Well, at least you dropped it from the insane 75% down to 50%. You really need to stop listening to fact-less, agenda-driven mainstream media. You can make a poll come out anyway you want depending on how you ask the question.
I know Republicans, democrats, and independents and the people I meet that are not getting vaccinated are young, nonpolitical people, who don’t think they are at high risk of dying and don’t want to take a revolutionary vaccine with no long term record.
Here is a fact for you, the FDA normally takes a decade or longer to approve a vaccine of this nature. It might be those anti vaccinators laughing in the long run because no one knows what the long-term effects might be.
Another fact is it is amazing how life went on during the Spanish Flu with no vaccine ever invented.
“ possibility for it to mutate into something that the vaccines will not protect against”
And you think Republicans are your biggest worry here. Seriously!!!! How about all the countries that have had virtually no vaccines. I would worry more about Brazil and India than Republicans. Not to mention the fact Biden is allowing people to flood into this country, Covid and all. But you don’t seem to be worried about that fact, hmm biased a bit.
When the world has been fully vaccinated and herd immunity is in every country and Republicans are the last hold out, then come back to me.
BTW I am a Libertarian and don’t think anyone should be forced to be vaccinated. It is their choice.
And BTW I live in Florida which is open. If your state is not then vote out your Governor or Move. There is absolutely no reason not to be open.
The only party issue I have seen regarding the vaccination, which is beyond silly, is Republicans prefer the Pfizer vaccine, while Democrats prefer the JNJ. BTW I got the JNJ.