“tRumpanzee” so funny and so sadly so factless. I guess when you are out of fact and have no argument to make you have to resort to name calling.
Larry Lyons, DMorrow and others you just proved my point. Power-Hungry politicians have challenged election as long as I can remember. I don’t remember anyone supporting Gore’s Challenge being called a Gorepanzee.
Of course, Trump’s challenges are different than Gore’s. Trump's challenges are in regards to mail-in voting.
I have vocally disagreed with Trump’s Claims of widespread fraud that could overturn the election. And I strongly disagreed with his firing of Christopher Krebs. It was Krebs job to secure the election from foreign interference, not from last-minute mail-in voting improprieties. Trump's real challenge is not about fraud.
Trump’s real challenge is; did the states implement the laws as set by the state legislature and the state's Constitution.
I am not sure if you are aware of it but Trump had a major victory in Pennsylvania court, where the judge stated it is highly likely Trump would win on the argument that PN mail-in voting violated the PN constitution. And on appeal the judge did not even rule on the merits of the case but instead, IMHO chickened and stated it was too late to file a challenge.
You the lawsuit is a joke. Well guess what; Justice Alito has now weighed in and for your sakes, I hope the Biden lawyers have a better argument to make than saying, "Alito you are a “tRumpanzee”!!!!!